Monday 14 February 2011

My final desgin for my school magazine front cover

This is my final desgin for my front cover of a school magazine.
I decided to call my magazine "insight" because by looking at the front cover I am giving you an insight on what the magazine is going to be about and what is in the magazine.
The masthead "insight" is multi-coloured and stylish writing to attract the younger generation and make them want to buy the magaizne because of its funky look.
"School magazine" i put in smaller writing and a different font and spaced out so that it is clear to read yet attracts attention more to the masthead and nothing else.
The picture is a head to shoulders shot of a student doing his work, he is looking directly at the camrea smiling so that the person thinks he is looking at you which gives a connection.
I also used a mixture of shapes to make it look different with brightly coloured shapes to attract people to the magazine and darker colours for the backgrounds to make the text stand out even more.
"only £1" I decided to make it look fun with a yelllow star and multi-coloured text so that people will think to buy it because its only £1.
I used different fonts and sizes for every bit of the text on the magazine to make it different and to make it child friendly as its not boring and plain.

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