Thursday 6 January 2011

My desgin for the front cover of a school magazine

In my third desgin, I decided to call my magazine called "Explode" because the magazine has lots of things going on in it and it will attract students attentions as it is un usual and different. I also used purple and black colours which are very dark to make the text stand out also using captial letter's to make the magazine stand out and make a statement. The picture is of a student (girl) doing work on the computer, I did this to give a postive attitude to school and maybe if students looked at the front cover of the magazine it might encourge them to work more at school. I thought if I put less infomation on my magazine maybe the students will look at the cover and would want to know more about whats in it and by doing this they will buy the magazine. I think this magazine cover is simple yet effective at the same time as its not too over the top which will result in students wanting to read it because the front cover looks inviting.

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